Oktober 06, 2009

kind of fore-play

when there is (a) fore-play
what ever game is played
then there is the play coming?
or do we only fore-play?

let*s talk about the rules in this game / those games

there is a long time we play the game
without knowing any rule
and so we play it and play it
as we do not know the rules
we cannot change them

we get a glimpse of a rule
and more rules within

and then we begin to play the game by the now known rules

they are common as we experience

and later on
we begin to change our rules within the game
with this changing rules
begins a changing roles

many of our co-players still do not know the rules yet

and so we show them (or not?!)
that we changed the rules

and as time is linear
the changed rules take their time
till all know about the possibility
of changing rules and roles

but they see
that there is more fun within

begin to change the rules too
but more and more

the hardest rule to crack
is the fear ...
and the deepest fear
is the fear of death

or in other words
the fear for life...

but why fear for life
when life is eternally?

or is it the fear of pain? and suffering?

pain shows where to work on any rule
sorrow begins when there is a permanent story about that pain

one rule shows itself after next
and the deeper the rules are hidden
the longer they hide

a kind of fore-play...!!!

with smiling eyes
back on back
feet on feet
hand on hand
nose on nose
brow on brow

and then
the kiss
the union with the released rule
the freedom within

the game some are playing with

to play with
is to support
to listen by heart

when love is on the board
there is no referee....

i love you all from the bottom of my heart
thank you for being here
with me
wherever you are

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