November 30, 2009

rainbow man running wherever

to not have to listen into himself...
as change loudly cries ...

no change please no change
but so he runs into a chaos where he is misused for what ever
he will know it one day or the other...

Yes, my pure song,
great to get along.

so nice to respect others knowing, because this is showing how to be great children.

yes, my love, love is the master healer!

rainbows and rainbows, when will they learn.  so much to treat love so humble, but they seem too often stumble. it is hard to speak of law, to bring the heart to the heat (fighting for what is right and true love) of doves (peace within).  We must fight and speak up to bring love, especially those who wear the law of red (rainbows, lavenders, reds, magentas).

love you too, forever in the holy spirit's blue, the heart of me and you!

Now how about yours today!

Come one, come all and understand that love has grounded upon the shores. Don't you sea the vision of me, the place we believe, the truth of me (holy spirit).  Now what if we could only love, where marsh mellows (clouds in the sky, where tears do hold and flow) could be pure doves (blessed peace).  And we could go out to play, and find a new and better way? There we could chime like a song, to bring our hearts a chorus and a song.  To live up to, the greatness within, the song of love the song of doves (flapping wings of flocks, to be together in the wind).  And we could find the will of man, looking upon the heart of thine, the pillage of hate, must end this time, because I am tired of all that hate.  Let us find another way, to love each other every day.

We are the song that succeeds to find the will of all disease (forgiveness release), because if we don't look within our hearts, how can we find a great new start?
We are the devoted true, the loving hearts of me and you! And when we realize this perfect gift, the heart of angels within us is truth, we then will begin to sing along, with heaven that knows the way to song! 

I want the world to understand, that we are going to be in command, the abundance that we wished for, will keep us safe, because we are looking at pure grace.  The heaven within, plays a tune, go happily, to be with me and you, but you run away, almost every time, because happiness doesn't make you feel so long.  We are programmed to feel defeat, and how will we ever bring our hearts to keep, the joy of gospel, the  joy of song, when we are needed to command the way oh so very long.  Tomorrow is going to be a brand new day, if only others could learn to play, but we are not in the world of love, because it could make us like doves (peace together).  Instead we fight and fight within, to be better than the wind, but I say to you, the sway of things means the waves of time, knows everything.  WE are going to be happy some day, when we learn how to be good children.  To find the time, to help our brothers, sow sisters could be good mothers.  And I want my world, to be the best, to keep the heart of all that is blessed. And we are going to be within, the release of all this sin! (forgive, before giving)

wow holy spirit can sing
sung by white buffalo calf woman, your twin deer mother who loves the wind...

was ist es

das mich traurig macht?

und doch voll freude sein lässt?

das feuer als kraftquelle nutzen
dieses feuer kommt aus dem herzen des einen chakra
ein chakra - das ver-ein-te, das alles enthält
aus dem die strahlen sich wie spiralen winden
hinein in das universum - in den cosmos

ein jeder rein in seiner farbe
es treffen sich die einzelnen spiralen
immer wieder
und öffnen darin ein tor
das tor - wie ein nadelöhr
es ist zu durch-fliegen

dann bn ich da

holy flight


shows her way to earth

November 21, 2009

laughing loving living




(¸.•´ .•´ 

¸¸.•¨¯`•.•¨* flow along the rainbow

♥ Live...♥ Love...♥Laugh...♥ Be...♥

Joy...♥ ...this Moment...♥

know you are guarded by the silver blue light 

es ist das zeichen                  
der reinheit des seins               

November 15, 2009


mit dir
steh dir gegenüber
lege deine hände auf die hände deines SELBST
und schließe so dein system

es ist nun ein selbsternährendes erneuerbares system
das ohne verschwendung von energie ist
das in sich ruht
das aus sich heraus existiert

ich bin die ich bin

November 12, 2009

stern vision vertrauen

Du hast bereits ein Gefühl bekommen für das, was getan werden muss. Nun gilt es den richtigen Zeitpunkt zu erfassen, der mit dieser Aktivität synchronisiert.

Visionen erscheinen oft frühzeitig aus den kristallinen Bereichen, damit sie in Erdnähe wachsen können, bis ihre Zeit reif ist.

Manchmal musst Du Dich auch selbst erst wieder auf die irdischen Frequenzen eintunen, um erkennen zu können, wann die Zeit gekommen ist eine Vision zu erden.

November 09, 2009


singe unser lied - mein bruder

Ich sing unser lied –
es ist das lied der unendlichkeit –
das lied des nichts in dem alles ist –
es ist das lied , mein liebster bruder,
das mich mit dir verbindet, wie ich noch kein andres gehört hab

mein geist segelt mit den winden auf den ozeanen
holy spirit sails across the seas

meine tränen waschen rein

You ask me how deep my love for you is,
How much I really love you…
My affection is real.
My love is real.
The moon represents my heart.

(teresa teng)

bis die botschaft ankommt

es ist die liebe
diese liebe, die oft so kalt erscheint
was sie da kalt nennen
ist einfach nur
frei von anhaftung

und doch
es wartet der mond auf die sonne...

ich liebe dich - mein stolzer kiegerbruder

November 05, 2009

an artist? - !

You Scored as Artist
You are an Artist Empath, one who creates their own reality and infuses the realities of others with your energy & emotions. You are poetic and sensitive. You turn your feelings into creations and share them with the world. Everything you touch turns to song and is freed by the color of your eyes. Your spirit dances with the winds and paints delight in the evening sky. (from the "Book of Storms" by Jad Alexander at








Fallen Angel
