Oktober 23, 2009

two points ..

all internal- interpersonal -challenges can be boiled down to two issues:

* one or both parties do not feel valued by the other

** the point of view (of one or both) is not felt appreciated or understood by the other

 playing sprouts...
and value the points....

Oktober 20, 2009


compose compose compose supercompose never use times new roman here please hahaha hahaha


Oktober 14, 2009

schau sie dir an!!!!

wie viele laufen schreiend davon
wenn sie sie sehen?
wieviele sagen
ich hatte einen alptraum
wenn sie im traum erscheint?

und doch
ihr gesicht ist doch so liebevoll
sie schaut dich an
und will dich einfach begleiten

heute in yoga
eine der übungen
die kobra

so befreiend
stolz auf sich sein könnend
hochaufgerichtet nach vorne schauend

und sich dann zufrieden zusammen ringeln
und erholen

eine wunderbare begleitung
wenn ihre botschaften verstanden sind

Oktober 10, 2009


Thank You (for this opportunity to clear, to release this suffering)

I Love You (directed toward the divine within my .... , that place within her/him that is infinite)

I Am Sorry (for whatever it is within me that has created this conflict. I take full responsibility for it)

Please forgive me (and release whatever caused this suffering)

Oktober 07, 2009

my friend - the black puma

The name panther is often associated with a particular species of leopard or jaguar and sometimes the cougar. The black panther is smaller but more fierce than lions and tigers. They are agile climbers and excellent swimmers. Because they can sprint with great speed they hold the teachings of quick decisive action.

Panthers have over 400 voluntary muscles that can be used at will when the need arises. This symbolizes an ability to shape shift realities using all parts of the body to perform a task. They can move gracefully in and out of situations as well as freeze and not be noticed. Because the panther is not a good long distant runner those with this medicine should incorporate movement therapies into their life that enhance endurance. They need to learn how to pace themselves and not push to fast or hard on any one task.

The power of the panther is the power of silence. It is extremely quiet when hunting or stalking. It knows when to make its presence known and when to become invisible. The panther holds the secrets of unseen worlds and is associated with lunar energies. Within the darkness of night lies the truth of creation. Those with this totem hold knowledge of a galactic origin. They have a responsibility to care take this knowledge and caution must be applied when sharing it with others. When the student is ready the teacher appears. If the student isn't ready the information received could be detrimental.

Panthers have acute sensitivity. The hairs on its body especially on the face pick up subtle vibrations. This is symbolic for those with this totem. It indicates a need to pay attention to their feelings and honor the messages those feelings convey. Touch can be an important avenue to explore to awaken ones hidden gifts. The black panthers coat, sleek, smooth and sensual has been linked to sexuality. When panther appears in a persons life it might be asking you to resolve old sexual issues or to embrace your sexuality fully.

The black panther has great mysticism associated with it. It represents the life and power of the night. It can show us how to embrace the darkness and awaken the light within it. When you experience the presence of panther one of its most noticeable features is its unblinking stare. It appears to see right through the body. Those with this medicine use their eyes as a healing tool and have the potential to heal on a cellular level.

Author Ted Andrews states that in Egyptian rituals a panther tail was worn around the neck or waist to help protect and strengthen the individual. It has been a symbol of the "Argos of a Thousand Eyes," who guarded the heifer IO who was loved by Zeus. After his death, the eyes were transferred to the feathers of the peacock. A powerful totem to have the panther - always brings a guardian energy to those to whom it comes.

Oktober 06, 2009

a drop - a wave - or the ocean itself?

once there was a little raindrop

in big colourful cloud
the sun shone into the cloud and said

come on little one
come and fly onto the earth

and the little raindrop
shed no tear
but came down
sliding on a golden sunray

while sliding down
it saw
that there where so many colours
within it

full of joy it said
o wow
come on my raindropfriends
come with me
let*S see
if we can merge the colours

there is green
there is red
there is blue
there is orange
there is yellow
there is gold
there is silver
there is pink
there is violett
and even lavender

come on my raindropfriends
let*s get together

wind came up
a soft wind
i care for you
i will show you the place
where you can drop down
and find lots of your friends

and the wind made the raindrop change the sunray
so it finally found a big wave
full of white and green and blue and gray

now another part of your journey begins
whispered the wind

you find it yourself
i will leave you now

a bizzling kiss
and the raindrop merged with others

was thrown into the sand
kissed the sand
was taken back
oh what a ride this is!!

back and forth
up and down

within and without
where i am
i do not know


a little step
i take this little step
shall i really take it

i do it

and let me sink

reads simple

i knew from the ride on the sunray
i just have to step down

so i let me sink in

in what?

i am not the only one on this

and i sink deeper and deeper

till i am as deep within as possible

and there i know

we are many
without us many
this ocean would not exist

i am the little raindrop

when i was part of the wave
i was the wave

now i know

i am the ocean too

i love you the one within me
i love you the other within me
i love that we are we within me

we are the ocean

we are the one

kind of fore-play

when there is (a) fore-play
what ever game is played
then there is the play coming?
or do we only fore-play?

let*s talk about the rules in this game / those games

there is a long time we play the game
without knowing any rule
and so we play it and play it
as we do not know the rules
we cannot change them

we get a glimpse of a rule
and more rules within

and then we begin to play the game by the now known rules

they are common as we experience

and later on
we begin to change our rules within the game
with this changing rules
begins a changing roles

many of our co-players still do not know the rules yet

and so we show them (or not?!)
that we changed the rules

and as time is linear
the changed rules take their time
till all know about the possibility
of changing rules and roles

but they see
that there is more fun within

begin to change the rules too
but more and more

the hardest rule to crack
is the fear ...
and the deepest fear
is the fear of death

or in other words
the fear for life...

but why fear for life
when life is eternally?

or is it the fear of pain? and suffering?

pain shows where to work on any rule
sorrow begins when there is a permanent story about that pain

one rule shows itself after next
and the deeper the rules are hidden
the longer they hide

a kind of fore-play...!!!

with smiling eyes
back on back
feet on feet
hand on hand
nose on nose
brow on brow

and then
the kiss
the union with the released rule
the freedom within

the game some are playing with

to play with
is to support
to listen by heart

when love is on the board
there is no referee....

i love you all from the bottom of my heart
thank you for being here
with me
wherever you are

Oktober 05, 2009

kiss kiss?!

Who knew love could live in so many hearts
Take up space in so many minds
Bring forth tears as deep as the river
Inspire music and poetry so divine
Change the nature of your Soul forever
Rid you of useless ideals and notions

Be thoughtful dear one
When choosing your beloved
I pray he is kind
And worthy of your surrender
That he looks at you tenderly
Unabashed, in his pursuit of a love so great
Protecting you always from misfortune and disgrace

I hope you give him the support he deserves
For he would never ask for it
Of his own accord

I hope you can make him laugh
After a long day of sadness he has had

I hope you never bore
Of conversations great and small
And that after decades have passed
And your children have grown
You still kiss passionately
Under the trees you’ve sown

b< lavender-girl

Oktober 04, 2009

wo ist die basis - wann platzt der knoten?

manchmal fehlt die basis ,

ich fühlte mich
als hätte ich
"auf losem sand bauen wollen"

fehlt eine basis, auf der sich etwas aufbauen lässt
und ist auch unwahrscheinlich, dass eine solche basis gefunden werden kann
geht die energie, die hier investiert wird,
zum größten teil verloren und bringt keinem einen nutzen.

oder doch?


in manchen fällen begibt man sich auch schon in eine art
co-abhängiger verbindung
in der sogar eher noch die gefahr besteht,
dass man im treibsand des anderen wesens mit in die tiefe gezogen wird.

hab ich das erkannt?

reicht erkennen?

den treibsand fühlen
sich dem treibsand hingeben

erfordert mut

wie stehts denn so mit dem mut?

wenn ich dann im treibsand mich befinde
wie komm ich da wieder raus?

panik hat noch nie geholfen
und doch ist panik
höchste angst um das leben

warum sollte ich um das leben fürchten
wenn ich mich dem leben hingebe?

wenn ich leben bin?

atmen atmen atmen

mit dem tiefen ausatmen
beruhigt sich auch die panik


der treibsand
schiebt mich auf festen boden
auf den ich treten kann
auf dem der treibsand
mich wieder freigibt

gebe doch ich mich aus dem treibsand frei?

ich bin das leben
also kann nur ich mich freigeben

und heraussteigen aus dem treibsand
der mich in die tiefe ziehen wollte

dann fühle ich wieder dieses

innere glück,
den freudenquell,
die erLösung

Der "Knoten" ist geplatzt
der knoten ist entknotet

Das unmittelbare gefühl der erleichterung macht den raum frei
und gibt energie für eine neue erfahrungsebene,
die nicht mehr von alten gewohnheitsmustern abhängig ist.

Ist der blick während der identifikation mit dem "treibsand" begrenzt auf den erfahrungshorizont dieses musters, so gibt dessen lösung nicht nur energie,
sondern auch wieder raum frei,
um alle möglichkeiten der derzeitigen situation zu erkennen
und einene anderen - vielleicht diesmal neuen weg einzuschlagen.

die überlagernden muster gelöst,

warum panik?
warum immer wieder
warum immer noch panik?

jetzt offenbart sich der unendliche glücksknoten,
der die aus der Quelle fliessende energie
mit steter freude und weisheit durchtränkt.

dieser glücksknoten ist dem solarplexus zugeordnet

die heilfarbe des solarplexus ist grün
die farbe des herzen

die sicht erweitert sich
und ich schaue
aus einer anderen perspektive

Oktober 03, 2009

warum trennen

wenn es auch verbunden werden kann

interessante erfahrung

eigentlich hätte ich es ja gewusst!!!!

geh hinein in was auch immer gerade ist

gib dich dem hin
was gerade ist

reinige die "knubbel" in den einzelnen sich darbietenden strängen
es darf fließen

und durch das fließen


trennung war früher
verbindung ist jetzt

do i know - i do know

do I know where you are
do I know where I am
lots of visitors
on the spiral to media luz
on the spiral from media luz
on the spiral with highspeed
looping over looping
laughing the one
laughing the other
being aware of the one
being aware of the other
kiss me kiss me not
touch me touch me not
from light to dark within
from dark to light within
hey there's lightning
hey there's flashing
laughing light
laughing flash
looping over looping
caring caring caring
supported by
infinite unconditional love
guided by
infinite unconditional love
and it is
infinite unconditional love laugh
fly with me fly with me fly with me
within the dark
within the light
within the now
within the white
within all that is
one I AM

holy flight