Dezember 10, 2010

the neutral heart technique

Even after all this time, the Sun never says to the Earth, "You owe me." Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky.
Dear Veronika,
As practitioners of the six heart virtues, our focus is on the expression of appreciation, compassion, forgiveness, humility, valor, and understanding. Sometimes, though, the outflow is diminished or our attention wanders and we can find ourselves depleted and discouraged, unable to express or radiate the virtues within us with vitality and genuineness.
When you feel a bit drained or dispirited, often it is because you feel that the balance between the inflow of love, appreciation, understanding, and forgiveness does not measure up to your outflow. In other words, what we give out to our family, friends, work associates and strangers, seems to be more—in some cases, far more—than what we get in return.
This perception can rapidly lead to discouragement; a sense that life is not working or is even unfair and unresponsive to our practice of the six heart virtues. There is a technique called the Neutral Heart that is an excellent method to refresh and balance your energy system especially when the feelings of depletion and discouragement overtake your expression of the heart virtues in your daily life.
Within the energetic heart is a place of neutral feelings; a place where energy-draining perceptions can shift and transform with a gentle nudge. It may seem paradoxical, but neutrality is the pivot of transformation. It is here that you can take the stubborn, concretized energetic densities that have become rooted in your personality, and realign them with the advanced energetics of the six heart virtues.
While these densities are familiar to you, they can operate as obstacles to the new patterns and new energies that are coming to the planet and potentially to each of us individually, especially as practitioners of the six heart virtues. These densities are like plaque to the energetic grid that surrounds you, restricting the flow of intuition and creating a dissonance to the incoming cosmic rays, which makes it harder for you to operate in the state of Oneness and accelerated virtuous cycles that are the hallmark of these new energies.
Between now and 2012 our solar system is undergoing a migratory orbit that will take it within a current of empowering rays or cosmic frequencies that issue from the center of the Milky Way galaxy. It is recommended that you devote a portion of your time to realign the blockages or densities within your energetic body during this time in order to align yourself to these new energies. Doing so will empower you to embody these frequencies and transmit them with greater potency.
The Neutral Heart technique has three steps, which are designed to help you transform the stubborn energetic densities that have concretized in your energetic field and align them to the new energy-flow in which you are learning to live.
Step One: The Smiling Heart
The first step is to center yourself in your heart by imagining that your heart area is smiling. If you imagine it is smiling outward it opens the door of neutrality into which you can bring densities you wish to transform and realign.
It is essential that your heart-smile expresses the genuine quality of the neutral heart, which is contemplative, with deep chords of intuitive knowing and the soft hush of divine love. This is the attitude that you can hold in your heart area. When you settle into this attitude, you are ready for the second step.
Step Two: Invite the Densities Inside
Next you invite these stubborn energetic densities into your neutral heart. For example, suppose you are feeling discouraged, and you have identified its source as feeling unappreciated at work. The feeling of discouragement is only wearing a new face, the true energy of discouragement has been with you all of your life. When you were an infant you were discouraged when your mother went away from you. As a toddler, when you did not get your way. As a child, when you were scolded. As a teenager, when you were put down by your peers. As an adult, when you were unappreciated for your contributions.
This energy signature of discouragement, within your energetic field, is calcified every time you feel it, regardless of what the temporary source may be. Most of us have a strong energetic density around this feeling of discouragement. This is what you invite into the neutral heart, not the temporary disguise that discouragement is wearing today or yesterday, but rather the collective of discouragement that is the foundational energy for this feeling.
Each of the emotions that cause depletion of energy, creativity, intuition, mental acuity, and sense of well being can become calcified to the point that they interfere with your energetic field and its connection to the Oneness we all share. The negative emotions, like anger, envy, depression, chronic anxiety, and hopelessness, are like fundamental chords that we strike in our energetic field every time we feel them, and these chords resonate and activate other negative emotions, which can be our ruin.
Inviting these densities inside our neutral heart requires that we invite the fundamental chords. Here's what I mean. Imagine that anger is a chord that is played with three fingers. Each time you feel anger; these three fingers strike the chord. The chord resonates throughout your energetic field. It finds sympathetic chords that resonate with it and together they form a dissonance within your energetic field.
The fundamental chord is triggered by the three fingers, and what are the three fingers? They are the day-to-day events and experiences that strike the chord. And every time the chord is struck, it is welded tighter to your energetic field and your field becomes a little more rigid and less adaptive to the new energies of the six heart virtues.
Negative emotions, at their fundamental level, are packages of history like balls made out of rubber bands. It is to these "packages" that you extend the invitation, and by inviting them into the neutral heart, you are, in a sense, awakening them to their pointlessness in your present reality. In this step you are not trying to force them to change or remove them, but rather you are allowing them to feel the new perspective and energy field you are assembling.
You are creating a new discernment process with this approach, and this new process is "heard" by all parts of your system, including your energetic densities at their most fundamental level. You are accessing the intuitive guidance of your heart and asking it to realign the energetic blockages or stubborn energies that create the sense of imbalance, discouragement, and depletion that you feel. It is a gentle reminder to these old behaviors and stubborn energies that change is stirring and that they need to be aware of this change and either align to it or let go.
Step Three: Marinate with Conviction
The final step is to let these negative emotions "marinate" in the neutral space of your heart. Imagine these obstinate energies are like rigid knots when they enter your heart, and as they soak in the wisdom of its neutrality, they loosen up and begin to relax as they begin to understand your new plan. They do not magically disappear, but rather as they relax they choose to realign to the energetic grid you are consciously engineering.
What is stubborn and unwanted within you is not something you want to evict like an unwanted tenant or exorcise like a demon; rather it is a part of you that has served you in the past, and once aligned to your new plan, can continue to serve you in the future. Nonetheless, your heart—within the wisdom of its neutrality—entrains these stubborn energies to its plan and you must feel the certainty of this plan. Step three is focused on this certainty because it is in the crucible of conviction that old energies can realign and entrain to your new energetic grid.
The six heart virtues are the instruments we use to re-engineer the energy grid upon which we live. The old densities that exist in all of us are based on the history of our belief system and experiential world. In a sense, they are the bridge we crossed over to get to where we are in this very moment, but our learning must be constantly realigning itself to our present comprehension—our present learning needs. The Neutral Heart technique helps our historical learning and the behaviors and attitudes that arise from them to have less resonance and therefore cause less dissonance within our energetic field.
The Neutral Heart technique can be used for any set of emotional disturbances or imbalances, and it is ideal as a method of discernment for decision making; regaining your sense of empowerment; rebalancing your energetic field, or rejuvenating your attitudinal buoyancy.
As with any technique, the Neutral Heart is a framework. You can experiment with it, add your own ideas to it, and modify it to your own personality. If you find a better way to perform the steps in the process that helps you dial-in to the core purpose of the technique, then feel free to utilize these adjustments.
The Neutral Heart technique is not a universal remedy for emotional ills. Everyone feels depleted and discouraged from time-to-time. I'm not suggesting that if you practice this technique you will be free of these feelings, but rather if you apply it when you do feel these negative emotions, it will accelerate your movement through them, and you will feel that your energetic system has been refreshed and is able to take on the next challenge of life with greater ease and grace.
You do not need to practice the Neutral Heart technique in private or in a quiet room free of distractions. When you become adept with the technique you can use it at any time and in any place. It only takes a minute or two. Think of it like an energetic body maintenance program, not unlike the grooming you provide your physical body each time you take a shower or brush your teeth.
Your energetic (quantum) body is the connection you have to the universe of Oneness and the creative empowerment of virtuous cycles. Whatever care and maintenance you provide it returns a hundred-fold. It's truly one of your best investments.
From my world to yours,

Dezember 04, 2010

victim or master?

each action that you repeat, or each thought – because thought is also a subtle action in the mind – becomes more and more powerful. Then you are in the grip of it. Then you are imprisoned in the habit. Then you live the life of an imprisoned man, a slave. And the imprisonment is very subtle: it is of your habits and conditioning and the actions that you have done. It is all around your body and you are entangled in it, but you go on thinking and befooling yourself that you are doing it. When you get angry, you think you are doing it. You rationalize it and you say that the situation demanded it: “I had to be angry, otherwise the child would go astray; if I were not angry then things would go wrong, then the office would be in a chaos, then servants won’t listen; I had to be angry to manage things, to discipline the child. To put the wife in her right place I had to be angry.” These are rationalizations. That’s how your ego goes on thinking that you are still the boss, but you are not. Anger comes out of old patterns, out of the past. And when anger comes you try to find an excuse for it.
but through these rationalisations you do not feel yourself a victim but a master

and that*s a pity ....

November 28, 2010

das leben ist in sich schon ...

aussagekräftig - bedeutsam - bedeutungsvoll - aussagekräftig
und es gibt keinen zweck dahinter

der so oft erfragt
oder was auch immer wird
von vielen

die fragen
was ist mein auftrag hier?
warum bin ich hier?

sind sie wirklich wichtig?
für wen sind sie wichtig?
wer will sie beantwortet haben?

das leben ist eine zuweckfreie "bedeutsamkeit"

wie ein lied
wie ein tanz
wie eine blume am wegrand

sie blüht - einfach  - ohne irgendeinen bestimmten zweck
ob da jemand vorbei kommt und sie sieht oder nicht
sie sprüht ihren duft in den wind
ob da jemand vorbeikommt und den duft riecht oder nicht

kommst du an ihr vorbei
lass sie dein sein bereichern

der regenbogen entsteht
völlig zweckfrei

natur ist

erschaffung von immer wieder
schöpfung von immer wieder


blühen ist bedeutung genug - oder?

November 22, 2010

der goldene hund

eines tages
ich ritt mit einem freund durch einen wald
kam ein goldener hund zu mir

viele tage vergingen

bis wir eine busfahrt unternahmen
eine station vor unserem ziel ausstiegen
wir wollten zu fuß dorthin
noch ein bisschen gassi gehen

es war nicht MEIN ziel
wessen auch immer ...

wir erreichten dieses erste ziel nicht
unterwegs war uns ein anderes ziel genannt worden

und wieder ein anderes
immer wieder

wir wanderten
und wanderten
und wanderten

unterwegs trafen wir unterschiedliche menschen
in unterschiedlichen gegenden
manchmal mussten wir nach dem weg fragen
manchmal baten wir um essen

immer erhielten wir antwort
immer erhielten wir essen

es war anstrengend
doch für mich nicht ermüdend
und der goldene hund
ging mit mir
ging nicht eher ich mit dem goldenen hund?

wir sahen den see
wir sahen den berg
wir sahen den ort

dort wollten wir hin

ein harter knall

der goldene hund war umgefallen
die zunge hing ihm aus dem maul
er verdrehte seine augen
müde schaute er mich an

ich kann nicht mehr
ich bin so erschöpft
lass mich einfach liegen

ich kniete mich zu ihm
nahm seinen kopf in meinen schoß
fand ein kleines fläschchen mit wasser in meiner tasche
das flößte ich ihm ein

die augen wurden wacher
der goldene hund entspannte sich
unter meinem streicheln
immer wieder
strich ich ihm das fell
vom kopf zu den beinen
vom kopf zur rute
vom kopf zum bauch

er entspannte immer mehr
trank den rest des wassers

fing an zu glänzen
in den farben des regenbogens
und signalisierte:

jetzt kann ich endlich schlafen ...

meine erschöpfung ist unter deinen händen gewichen

ich kann schlafen

bleib bei mir
bis ich wieder wach bin
mein kopf in deinem schoß
lass ihn dort
da fühl ich mich geborgen

lieber goldener hund

schlaf gut
erhol dich
und dann wandern wir weiter

das dorf
der berg
der see

sie laufen nicht davon

schlaf mein lieber
schlaf gut
ich bewache deinen schlaf

so wie du eines tages
den meinen bewachen wirst

September 19, 2010


Chanting heals the body, mind and spirit. 
Chanting causes the body and mind to relax 
which helps us physically, mentally and emotionally.
It can increase intuition and raises your energy vibrations within. 
Some people have problems focusing and stilling the mind in meditation,
instead they can use chanting to focus on.

The ancients, native americans, yogas, buddhists and so on 
used these technique to raise spiritual vibrations,
involving breath, chants, sounds and colors
to focus attention on the inner planes of reality, 
while opening to higher energy frequencies and consciousness.

September 11, 2010


ist das doch klasse heute
in der  silence on violin strings zu finden:

und das ganze bei sonnenschein
wie viele bilder da entstehen
wie das kind in mir sich angesprochen fühlt

Charming Humor

andere mit meinem witz und charme
zu "entertainen"

Regaling those around you with your stories and banter can be a way for you to connect with them through the lighthearted joy of funniness.
Letting others experience the bright side of life through you might not only amuse the people you come in contact with, but it could lessen any tension they may feel about their own lives.
Should your humor generally tend toward the more sarcastic or sharp side

 naja gehört doch dazu und macht auch spaß
zeigt sich darin für mich
dass noch nicht alles "attachment" entlassen ist!!!

perhaps today you can think of ways to be funny

Humor is most powerful when it is done in a spirit of good-natured fun.
While we might not be conscious of how we use humor

das zu erfahren ist möglich

das folgende ätzend ist:

many of us may find that humor is often a way to either deflect attention from ourselves or make ourselves feel better by putting someone else down.

wenn ich meinen humor mit aufmerksamkeit verbinde
kann ich ihn recht gut einsetzen
meinem gegenüber
mit zwinkernden
blitzenden augen

mut zusprechen
ihn aufmuntern

auch sehen lassen

die sunny side of the strrrrrreeeeeet

und sich vielleicht auch dafür zuentscheiden
die straßenseite mal zu wechseln

September 04, 2010

the essence is

whether ironing
whether vacuuming
whether sitting
whether going
whether talking
whether being silent
whether dancing
wheher ... 
what ever doing

the essence is serenity
that * s it
to be tranquil  in the innermost core

being in doing
and doing in being

relaxed in my middle
within the fullness
I am

in every and each moment

there was the cork on it

a birch does not compare itself with an oak
a thistle does not compare itself witth a rose

in my unique way
fulfill my potential

in motion
like the river
like water flowing

without imagination
of what will show around the next bend
the feeling of trust and relaxation

what ever happens
it is just right

mastering the energy of  fire
to create not to destroy

creating with me within myself
the masterpiece
that is hidden within me

polishing this piece
till it glosses

and to thank my Creator
for this wonderful - work

he has created

 mind is understood to assist me
but he and I
are independent of each other

He is very helpful to me
but not my "master"


form live
with me
a work of art

so the rainbow
is felt

with all its nuances

August 17, 2010

twinkling of an eye

inspired by jane


i am
you are
is me
is you
we are

change happens in a twinkling of an eye

if the I -eye - is able
to see

the sea

shows again

the lady of the lake
the lady of the sea

the lady


holy spirit
the seas



we are
is you
is me
you are
i am

in an twinkling of an eye

you fly

Juli 24, 2010

the fear of intimacy

How To Transform Your Fear of Intimacy
Into A Spiritual Awakening
Written by Angela Walker

Intimacy is the great pathway to your divine nature, the way of the awakened radiant heart. Whether you’re being deeply intimate with yourself, or another, feeling this delicious closeness can be one of the most powerful spiritual experiences we get to savor and enjoy in human form. At the same time, if you’ve ever suffered from a broken heart, experienced great betrayal, or dealt with intense grief or loss, the mere thought of intimacy can be incredibly frightening, even paralyzing! Perhaps you’re stumbling your way through life numbed out to ease the pain of your broken heart. Or maybe you’ve built a giant fortress of protection around your heart to keep yourself from ever feeling intimate with others again.
If this is so, it’s a very natural response to protect oneself from experiencing the agonizing pain of a broken heart. Surprisingly, it is here in the deepest dark crevice of your heart lies an opening to your soul’s awakening, a glimmering light of grace welcoming you home to your Self! Here a perfect invitation awaits you, out of the very root of your suffering, beckoning you to inquire and discover what the true essence of the heart actually is!

"Heart" is merely another name for the Supreme Spirit, because He is in all hearts. The entire Universe is condensed in the body, and the entire body in the Heart. Thus the Heart is the nucleus of the whole Universe.” ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi

This deliciously juicy opportunity has patiently been waiting for you to peer into your broken open heart and clearly see who you truly are! Take this moment to ask yourself, “Who benefits by keeping myself closed off to the rest of the world? Who am I really protecting by keeping others at bay, and who is it to truly suffer? Who wins in the face of entertaining these fears?” The answer is no one wins. This vision of world peace will never be established as long as we say “no” to intimacy with others and buy into the illusions of fear. Peace begins within.
The world is your mirror. If you’re a stranger to yourself you’re a stranger to everyone else. If you’ve been holding back from allowing yourself to be fully open, receptive, and exposed, you are simply protecting an illusion of who you think you are. You are buying into the lies of the ego-mind. You must stop this nonsense if you truly wish to wake up. You are not your ego-mind. Give it up. It will never ever be satisfied. Remember, nothing can harm that which is indestructible. Any thoughts, feelings, and emotions you buy into that inhibit your true nature from shining and feeling free just keep you locked up in a self-imposed prison.
“If you are waiting for anything in order to live and love without holding back, then you suffer. Every moment is the most important moment of your life. No future time is better than now to let down your guard and love.”~ David Deida

What are you waiting for? Take a chance, and see what do you truly have to lose? Who do you have to lose? If anything is to be lost it is only remnants of the false self. Nothing real can be threatened, and nothing unreal exists. There is only Love. Everything else is a deviation, a distortion of love. All that appears in this world that is not love or loving is a misunderstanding, a misinterpretation of this Love.
You are here to awaken, to rise out of this illusion and shine! This is your soul purpose, your true mission in this life. If you really wish to transform your life in the most powerful ways and awaken, begin by cultivating this deep intimacy with yourself. Engage in the most profound intimate love affair with yourself! Don’t wait for anyone or anything from the outer world to fill you, or complete you with love. It's not out there. You know this to be true. You know this love is within you and has been all along. This love breathes you. It is you! You can call off the search now, you're already home.

Would you like to have a healing experience
that will totally change you r life?
Experience a powerful, yet gentle Angelic Healing Session with Angela! You can receive healing over the phone or video chat. Angela is truly a gifted healer, who has many modalities to help you transcend any experience of suffering. Even with just one session you can heal your heart, mind and even your body! She heals with the power of love and it'll transform your life in the most incredible ways!

April 18, 2010

the abundance of life

 i did not know
there is a special "word" for what i was doing before - during - and after - pregnancy ....

Communicating with the unborn child

First written for Junior Pregnancy and Baby Magazine, this is a description of an extraordinary French pregnancy treatment called haptonomy that helps parents communicate with their unborn children. I know that sounds a little unlikely, but don't dismiss it out of hand. In France it is a well established, mainstream pregnancy treatment. It is pretty significant: If we really can communicate with babies in the womb, then that changes the way we view pregnancy. The clipping is a little hard to read, so I've transcribed it below.

please read on...the article

and here is the link to the english site of the "developper"...

April 16, 2010

you are loved

God or spirit stands beside us in every aspect of our everyday lives.
If you can begin to see how your notion of spirit has been shaped by your early childhood,
you can start to look at love as a mirror of the present instead of the past.

This is a key concept:
When you fall in love, you fall for a mirror of your own most present needs.

The intense desirability of another person isn’t innate in that person.
Desire is born in the one who desires.

If your underlying self-image is that of a helpless, unloved child, any show of power arouses incredible yearning in you.

There is nothing wrong with this –
we all project similar needs in our search for love.
Nor is there anything wrong with a bedazzled state of infatuation.
Each affair, real or imaginary, has a repeated message to offer:
“You are loved.” It is the simplest of messages, but often the hardest to absorb.
For spirit isn’t saying,
“You are loved as long as your passion for this person lasts.”
It is saying, “You are loved,” without any qualifications.

There is infinite patience in spirit,
infinite willingness to wait upon our attention.
And one day, in your own time, you will notice.

Each person that you have loved is a tiny reminder of who you are.
This isn’t solipsistic but a natural reflection of your needs.
You aren’t judged by the love life you choose,
since no one is outside yourself to judge –
there is only you as the Self, looking at you from a different angle.

The Self looking at you
is the primary relationship you bring into all situations.
Realizing that, you will start to reduce expectations for other relationships.

Your healing will be to fall in love with that Self.

Adapted from The Path to Love, by Deepak Chopra (Three Rivers Press, 1997)

April 13, 2010


change is not to try to convince others to change, but to be neutral to ourselves.

We all know from experience that we can’t change other people, yet most of us have a tendency to try. This is because we naturally feel the need to do something to change situations that we find troubling. It often doesn’t occur to us that the best way to create change is not to try to convince others to change but to be neutral to ourselves. When we make adjustments from within, we become role models for others, and leading by example is much more inspiring than a lecture or an argument.

was heißt es nun
mir selbst gegenüber neutral zu sein?

ich halte nicht fest an einem bestimmten ergebnis?
ich liebe mich so
wie ich gerade bin
denn in genau diesem moment bin ich eben so
da fällt mir auf
dass ich irgendwie ekelhaft bin
oder überströmend vor freude
dabei ist immer nur der punkt zu betrachte
wie wichtig nehme ich etwas
oder mich selbst
wenn ich mich immer so liebe
wie ich gerade bin
bin ich mir selbst gegenüber neutral
und mein verstand und meine seele können mit einander hand in hand gehen
der verstand verurteilt - oder beurteilt im sanften sinn - die situation nicht
klar will er sie einordnen
in irgendein erlerntes schema
das darf er auch
nur soll er keinen vergleich herstellen mit etwas oder jemand

We sometimes look outside ourselves for what’s wrong with the world, but the outside world is really just a mirror reflecting us back to ourselves. When we encounter negativity—anger, depression, fear—we empower ourselves by looking for its roots inside of ourselves. For example, if you have a friend who is unreliable, observe yourself and notice if there are ways in which you are unreliable. You may be surprised to discover that you have your own struggles with this issue in ways you weren’t able to see. Once you own the issue for yourself, you can begin to work  within yourself.

in dir selbst arbeiten
heißt jetzt aber nciht
mit schaufel oder hammer ans werk zu gehen
schau ich mir  an, - ehrlich -
warum ich das gerade erlebe
und höre den glaubenssatz dahinter
oder änliches

ja dann kann ich
dagegen kämpfen - bringt mir das was?
oder einfach anerkennen, dass es jetzt so ist
damit ist schon eine menge an energie freigestellt
mit der ich mich umhüllen kann
für ein
wenigsten kleines lächeln an mich

This will also enable you to have more compassion for your friend. At the very least, as you strive to become more reliable, you will become more of the person you want to be. In the best-case scenario, you will be an inspiration to others.

ich sehe nämlich nur die dinge als schrecklich
zu denen ich einen übergroßen bezug habe
oder anders gesagt
denen ich eine übergroße wichtigkeit gegeben habe

warum haben diese dinge für mich eine über-große wichtigkeit
kann ich ohne sie nicht leben?
oder vielleicht sogar besser?
ja - das ist schon wieder eine beurteilung

hab ich denn schon einmal ausprobiert
diesem ding
die übergroße wichtigkeit zu nehmen
und zu erleben
wie es dann ist?

You can apply the same method to larger issues. For example, if there is something you see in the larger world that you would like to change—let’s say, greed—try taking responsibility for it in yourself. Instead of being angry with those you see as greedy, seek out the roots of your own greed and come to terms with your power to transmute it. This may be the best way to lead the world toward greater moderation and generosity.

niemand und nichts muss sich ändern
nur die wichtigkeit
die jemand oder etwas zugeordnet wird
ist es
die uns die sogenannten PROBLEME
das heißt also
probleme sind

wie marmelade ....

und marmelade ist meist süß

versüßen sogenannte probleme mir das leben?

März 21, 2010

when you want to change the world - love a woman

When a fairly spiritual male friend of mine who had finally found and was deepening into committed relationship with his soul mate confided in me he was thinking of being single again, and in the next breath expressed his latest idea for raising consciousness worldwide, I wrote this poem." - Lisa Citore

If you want to change the world… love a woman-really love her.
Find the one who calls to your soul, who doesn’t make sense.
Throw away your check list and put your ear to her heart and listen.
Hear the names, the prayers, the songs of every living thing-
every winged one, every furry and scaled one,
every underground and underwater one, every green and flowering one,
every not yet born and dying one…
Hear their melancholy praises back to the One who gave them life.
If you haven’t heard your own name yet, you haven’t listened long enough.
If your eyes aren’t filled with tears, if you aren’t bowing at her feet,
you haven’t ever grieved having almost lost her.

If you want to change the world… love a woman-one woman
beyond yourself, beyond desire and reason,
beyond your male preferences for youth, beauty and variety
and all your superficial concepts of freedom.
We have given ourselves so many choices
we have forgotten that true liberation
comes from standing in the middle of the soul’s fire
and burning through our resistance to Love.
There is only one Goddess.
Look into Her eyes and see-really see
if she is the one to bring the axe to your head.
If not, walk away. Right now.
Don’t waste time “trying.”
Know that your decision has nothing to do with her
because ultimately it’s not with who,
but when we choose to surrender.

If you want to change the world… love a woman.
Love her for life-beyond your fear of death,
beyond your fear of being manipulated
by the Mother inside your head.
Don’t tell her you’re willing to die for her.
Say you’re willing to LIVE with her,
plant trees with her and watch them grow.
Be her hero by telling her how beautiful she is in her vulnerable majesty,
by helping her to remember every day that she IS Goddess
through your adoration and devotion.

If you want to change the world… love a woman
in all her faces, through all her seasons
and she will heal you of your schizophrenia-
your double-mindedness and half-heartedness
which keeps your Spirit and body separate-
which keeps you alone and always looking outside your Self
for something to make your life worth living.
There will always be another woman.
Soon the new shiny one will become the old dull one
and you’ll grow restless again, trading in women like cars,
trading in the Goddess for the latest object of your desire.
Man doesn’t need any more choices.
What man needs is Woman, the Way of the Feminine,
of Patience and Compassion, non-seeking, non-doing,
of breathing in one place and sinking deep intertwining roots
strong enough to hold the Earth together
while she shakes off the cement and steel from her skin.

If you want to change the world… love a woman, just one woman .
Love and protect her as if she is the last holy vessel.
Love her through her fear of abandonment
which she has been holding for all of humanity.
No, the wound is not hers to heal alone.
No, she is not weak in her codependence.

If you want to change the world… love a woman
all the way through
until she believes you,
until her instincts, her visions, her voice, her art, her passion,
her wildness have returned to her-
until she is a force of love more powerful
than all the political media demons who seek to devalue and destroy her.

If you want to change the world,
lay down your causes, your guns and protest signs.
Lay down your inner war, your righteous anger
and love a woman…
beyond all of your striving for greatness,
beyond your tenacious quest for enlightenment.
The holy grail stands before you
if you would only take her in your arms
and let go of searching for something beyond this intimacy.

What if peace is a dream which can only be re-membered
through the heart of Woman?
What if a man’s love for Woman, the Way of the Feminine
is the key to opening Her heart?

If you want to change the world…love a woman
to the depths of your shadow,
to the highest reaches of your Being,
back to the Garden where you first met her,
to the gateway of the rainbow realm
where you walk through together as Light as One,
to the point of no return,
to the ends and the beginning of a new Earth.

März 11, 2010

shifting the view of violence

The moral view of violence, labeling it as bad and wrong, has done little to end it. The alternative view is to release our judgments and see violence for what it is: a form of suffering. This is a difficult shift for many people. Not only are they in the habit of making knee-jerk judgments, but violent people cause harm, and therefore their suffering seems to deserve less sympathy.
You hurt me, so why should I have compassion for you? It should be the other way around. Does it take a saint to make the shift from moral outrage to compassion?
Turning points arrive when we can make a choice not to suffer in silence. We then strike a soul bargain that is fearful but necessary. The bargain is that redemption is possible through love. The absence of love is absolutely the problem, and love is absolutely the solution. We don’t have to reach into another realm to locate the redeeming power of love that is available to us here and now.
The problem is that love comes through a fallible human being. The rule is constant work on the spiritual path to clear away the obstacles that prevent love from coming through us. The work is much more like working on clogged plumbing than it is like imitating a saint.
Hope is the emotion that sustains this dogged work even when results seem to be slow or impossible. Can I love the terrorist who harms my country? Can I love the criminal who wants to harm me? At the level of the soul I already do, and the spiritual path is a means to arrive at that level.
No one is required to leap into sudden compassion for terrorists, or even to announce publicly that our enemies deserve love. But in our souls each of us harbors the knowledge that only love is going to bring violence to an end. No matter how you and I live our outward lives, our spiritual lives must remain devoted to that vision.
Adapted from: Peace Is the Way, by Deepak Chopra (Harmony Books,

Februar 27, 2010


and again

leave the people where they belong to

let them partying their own way

a name is a name

and even it may say something to someone
it may say quite the opposite to next one

and if you cannot hear the voice - the timbre - then it is not the right voice - the right timbre to you

i sit in the light
the surrounding is dark

when the llight shines
the moths seem to come

but the moths die while touching the light

so the moths can*t take the light from me
they rather die than leave the light alone

they die for the light

will you die for the light, too

kiss me
i am the death

kiss me
i am the light

i show the way (light it)
more is not to be done

i am in the all that is

and as all is
there is nothing that not is

i am a child of MY FATHER

in all my humility

the king always knows where i am
the king watches over me
the king gave me his guardians
so that i can go my way
so that i can show my light
so that i can walk my talk in seemingly new ways

i love you so - my king
even if i do not understand you

i know that i am your queen
and you know about all my paths

Februar 13, 2010

i carry you in my heart

I carry your heart
by ee cummings


i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling) 

i fear
not fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want
no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true)
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart


i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

Februar 10, 2010

einmal küssen und zurück

ist es das
was man sich so vorstellt?

wie oft leuchten da die augen

wie lange leuchten die augen

kann man das
was man sich da s verspricht denn wirklich halten?

wäre es vielleicht geschickt
es den kindern endlich zu erklären
wenn man etwas verspricht
dies zu halten
wenn auf externen glaubenssätzen basierend
die zu jener zeit wohl auch interne waren

und diese glaubenssätze sich auflösen
in das nichts aus den sie gekommen sind

ja, was hab ich dann versprochen?

und dennoch plagt einen das schlechte gewissen?
nun dann ist der glaubenssatz aber noch nicht im nichts

Februar 04, 2010

mathe ist liebe - maths is love

The Beauty of Mathematics!!!!!!!

1 x 8 + 1 = 9
12 x 8 + 2 = 98
123 x 8 + 3 = 987
1234 x 8 + 4 = 9876
12345 x 8 + 5 = 98765
123456 x 8 + 6 = 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7 = 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8 = 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9 = 987654321

1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111

9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888

Brilliant, isn't it?

And look at this symmetry:

1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321

Mind Boggling...

Now, take a look at this...


From a strictly mathematical viewpoint:

What Equals 100%?

What does it mean to give MORE than 100%?

Ever wonder about those people who say they
are giving more than 100%?

We have all been in situations where someone wants you to

GIVE OVER 100%...

How about ACHIEVING 101%?

What equals 100% in life?

Here's a little mathematical formula that might help
answer these questions:



Is represented as:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.


H-A-R-D-W-O- R- K

8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%


K-N-O-W-L-E- D-G-E

11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+ 5 = 96%


A-T-T-I-T-U- D-E

1+20+20+9+20+ 21+4+5 = 100%

THEN, look how far the love of God will take you:

L-O-V-E-O-F- G-O-D
12+15+22+5+15+ 6+7+15+4 = 101%

Therefore, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that:

While Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will
get you there, It's the Love of God that will put you over the top!

If you find this interesting share it with your friends & loved ones.
Have a nice day & God bless you

Januar 25, 2010

wir machen

uns gedanken
darüber wie es ist
wie es wird
wir machen uns keine gedanken

was ich in den letzten stunden gelesen hab
hat mich fast das gruseln gelehrt
aber nur fast

denn wissen tu ich es ja (eigentlich)

aber so direkt
aus der masse

send blessings blessings blessings

denn die menschheit scheint es wirklich nicht anders zu wollen

da wird wort GEWALTIG "fröhlich" auf andere eingeschlagen
und die jenigen die da einschlagen
kommen sich auch noch witzing vor

echt krass

also ich bin dankbar
dass ich das leben so sehen und leben darf/kann
wie es für mich ist

es gilt wohl immer noch

"denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun"....

Januar 24, 2010

in der plazenta

liegt die information über deinen zwilling

der dich seit deiner ersten - der allerersten - geburt begleitet

denn du wurdest nicht als einzelwesen aus der quelle geschickt

du solltest nie allein sein

und doch habt ihr euch getrennt
um noch mehr erfahrungen zu machen

diese sehnsucht
nach deinem zwilling ist es
die dich nach liebe suchen lässt

immer wieder

aber erst
wenn du die liebe in dir selbst entdeckt hast
wenn du dich selbst so annimmst
wie du in den jeweiligen augenblicken bist
ohne dich dafür zu verurteilen

wenn du dich selbst in jeder zelle wiederfindest
und die zelle sich in didr

brauchst du nicht mehr im außen zu suchen

dann strahlst du sie aus

diese unendliche liebe

wir fühlen unsere eigene quelle der nahrung und des nährens
des tiefen inneren friedens,
der zufriedenheit und vollständigkeit
nach der wir im außen suchen
in der intimen bindung in uns selbst

wir fühlen nicht mehr so sehr diese verzweifelte suche nach einem anderen,
der uns die notwendigkeiten erfüllt

wir können diesen anderen annehmen wie er ist
er kann uns nicht ent-täuschen
denn wir sehen ihn als partner und nicht als erfüllungsgehilfen

das erlaubt beiden im und am leben teilzunehmen
in freiheit, frieden und der balance, die in der heilung des inneren verlustes geschehen ist

und das lächeln deiner augen kommt tief aus deinem inneren
und das lächeln lächelt in die andere seele hinein

wenn sie es denn annehmen kann

ich wünsche es ihr

Januar 16, 2010

vertrauen - orpheus und eurydike

orpheus und eurydike

Nemand war dem sangeskundigen Orpheus gleich, dem Apollon selber ein Saitenspiel geschenkt hatte. Wenn Orpheus es zu seinem Gesang ertönen ließ, kamen die Tiere des Waldes herbei, den wundersamen Klängen zu lauschen, und man sagt, selbst die Bäume und die leblosen Steine wurden von der Zaubergewalt der Töne bewegt.

Eurydike, die holdselige Flußnymphe, war die Gattin des Sängers. Nur allzuschnell wurde das Glück der Liebenden zerstört. Eines Tages, als Eurydike mit ihren Freundinnen, den Nymphen, am Flußufer spielte, wurde sie von einer giftigen Natter in die Ferse gebissen, und auf der Stelle sank sie sterbend zu Boden. Orpheus konnte sich vor Schmerz nicht fassen. Vergeblich suchte er Trost in seiner Sangeskunst, vergeblich lockte er aus seinem Saitenspiel die schönsten Töne, so daß alle Wesen der Natur ringsum in sein Wehklagen einstimmten: weder sein Lied noch sein Gebet brachte die tote Gattin zurück.

Da faßte Orpheus einen Entschluß, den noch kein Mensch vor ihm auszuführen gewagt hatte. In den Tartaros, ins Reich der Schatten, wollte er hinabsteigen und den Herrscher der Unterwelt bitten, ihm die geliebte Gattin zurückzugeben.

Schaurig umschwebten ihn die Schatten der Toten, als er die Pforte der Unterwelt hinter sich gelassen hatte. Aber mutig schritt er durch die Schrecken des Totenreichs, bis er vor Hades' Thron stand.

Zum Klange der Leier brachte der Sänger seine klagende Bitte vor. Er sang von seiner unendlichen Liebe zu der schönen Gattin und von seinem unermeßlichen Schmerz, der stärker sei, als ein Mensch ertragen könne. Er gemahnte den Beherrscher der Schatten, daß auch er selbst sich einst von der Liebe habe bezwingen lassen, als er Persephone geraubt und sie zu seiner Gemahlin gemacht habe.

Noch nie war ähnliches im Hades geschehen! Rings um den klagenden Sänger scharten sich die wesenlosen Schatten und - weinten. Tantalos vergaß, nach der entweichenden Quelle zu haschen, die Danaiden, die zur Strafe für ihre Untaten ein durchlöchertes Faß zu füllen hatten, ließen ab von ihrem vergeblichen Mühen, und Sisyphos, angelockt von den Zaubertönen des Gesanges, saß müßig auf seinem Felsblock und lauschte. Selbst die furchtbaren Eumeniden, die Rachegöttinnen, die keines Menschen Bitte je nachgegeben hatten, sagt man, waren zu Tränen gerührt.

Noch niemals war es geschehen, daß das finstere Herrscherpaar des Hades sich von Mitleid hatte bestimmen lassen. Die göttliche Macht des Gesanges jedoch überwältigte sie. Persephone winkte Eurydikes Schatten, der sich daraufhin mit unsicheren Schritten ihrem Throne näherte.

"Nur weil deine große Liebe uns bewegt", wandte die Totenkönigin sich an Orpheus, "erfüllen wir deine Bitte. Deine Gattin möge dir in die Oberwelt folgen! Aber wisse: Wenn du auf dem Weg den Blick zu ihr zurückwendest, bevor du das Tor durchschritten hast, so ist sie dir für alle Zeit verloren!"

Schnellen Schrittes machte sich Orpheus auf den Rückweg.

Bald jedoch wurde er von Zweifeln ergriffen: folgte Eurydike wirklich seinen Spuren? Angst und Sehnsucht quälten ihn auf dem schroffen, finsteren Wege. Verzweifelt lauschte er auf den Atemzug der Geliebten und auf ein Rauschen ihres Gewandes. Doch ringsum lastete gräßliche Totenstille.

Zuletzt wußte er sich nicht mehr zu bezwingen; von Liebe, Sorge und Angst überwältigt, wandte er sich nach der Geliebten um.

Da stand Eurydike vor ihm, traurig und zärtlich schaute sie ihn an. Doch als Orpheus sehnsüchtig die Arme ausbreitete, um die Geliebte an sich zu ziehen, wich sie zurück.

In ohnmächtiger Verzweiflung griff Orpheus ins Leere.

Wie von Sinnen stürzte er den steilen Pfad zurück bis an den Styx, den Fluß, der die Unterwelt durchfließt. Hier gebot Charon, der Fährmann, ihm Halt. Diesmal weigerte er sich, Orpheus über den schwarzen Strom zu fahren.

Sieben Tage und sieben Nächte saß Orpheus am Ufer und versuchte, die Unterirdischen durch Bitten und Klagen und flehende Lieder zu neuer Milde zu stimmen. Die Götter blieben unerbittlich

orpehus gebiert sich durch erydike


durch den schmerz des verlustes der liebe

nachdem er be-sungen

kann orpheus sich neu gebären aus eurydike
hinein in das

was er bis dahin 

trotz all der gaben, die ihm von vater(apoll) und mutter (klio) gegeben

noch nicht in sich entwickelt hatte


in den Göttlichen Plan

in die verbindung mit der 

Göttlichen Ordnung 

und den darin 


ich vertraue auf die liebe, die in mir ist
ich drehe mich nicht um
damit ich sehe
ob mein vertrauen auch gerechtfertigt ist
wo sitzt dieses miss-trauen
warum miss-traue ich
was vermisse ich
ich gehe meinen weg
im vertrauen auf den göttlichen plan
und verbinde mich mit der göttlichen ordnung
und segne sie

Januar 13, 2010

and so i t is !?!!

Idealist Champion

You are introspective, cooperative, informative, and expressive. You have a strong desire to make your thoughts known to the world. When you speak or write, you are often hoping to use your convictions to motivate others to participate in advocacy or you hope to reveal a hidden truth about the human experience. You are greatly concerned with ethics and justice and have a strong desire to speak about current issues and events. You are the most inspiring and animated of the role variants.

You are very individualistic and you feel a need to experience significant social events. You consider intense emotional experiences to be vital to life and view the world as a drama. You are constantly seeking to learn about everything that has to do with advancement of good and the retreat of evil in the world.

You strive toward a kind of personal authenticity and this intention always to be yourself is usually quite attractive to others. At the same time, you have outstanding intuitive powers and can tell what is going on inside of others, reading hidden emotions and giving special significant to words or actions. In fact, you are constantly scanning the social environment, and no intriguing character or silent motive is likely to escape your attention.

You are good with people and usually have a wide range of personal relationships. You are warm and full of energy with your friends. You are good in public and on the telephone, and are so spontaneous and dramatic that others love to be in your company. You are a positive, exuberant person, and often your confidence in the goodness of life and of human nature makes good things happen.

Famous Champions include Joan Baez, Charles Dickens, Phill Donahue, Bill Moyers, and Edith Wharton.

Januar 12, 2010

the five agreements

According to don Miguel Ruiz, everything we do is based on agreements we have made — agreements with ourselves, with other people, with God, and with life. But the most important agreements are the ones we make with ourselves. With these agreements we tell ourselves who we are, how to behave, what is possible, what is impossible.

The Five Agreements:

    Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

    Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.

    Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness, and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

    Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are tired as opposed to well rested. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.

    Don't believe yourself or anybody else. Use the power of doubt to question everything you hear: Is it really the truth? Listen to the intent behind the words, and you will understand the real message.
The Four Agreements slowly helps you to recover your authentic self, and the real you starts to awaken. With The Fifth AgreementThe Fifth Agreement is made with words, of course, but its meaning and intent is beyond the words. The Fifth Agreement is ultimately about seeing your whole reality with the eyes of truth, without words.

Make the Five Agreements your way of life — love yourself, enjoy life, and make your personal world a dream of heaven. And, by changing your world, you are changing the world.

As don Miguel says, "By practicing the Five Agreements, what you are really doing is respecting everything in creation. You are respecting your dream; you are respecting everybody else's dream. If you use these tools, your effort is really for everyone, because your joy, your happiness, your peace, and your heaven are contagious. When you are happy, the people around you are happy too, and it inspires them to change their own world."

This way of life is entirely possible, and it's in your hands. The change begins with you. Why not start now?
comes the complete acceptance of yourself just the way you are, and the complete acceptance of everybody else just the way they are. The reward is your eternal happiness.

Januar 09, 2010

How to transform pain into compassion - by osho


When you breathe in, 
imagine that you are breathing in 
all the darkness and negativity in your life.  
Welcome it into your heart. 
Stop trying to resist it, avoid it or destroy it.  
That has been taking up all of your energy.  
As you are breathing in this heaviness, 
let it be absorbed into your heart before you exhale.  
And then the moment you breathe out, breathe out golden light.  
Breathe out your greatest lightness, 
your highest joy, 
love and blessing from your heart 
INTO the source of the negativity.  
You'll soon transform all the darkness in your life with your breath. 
Breathe out all the love that you have, 
all the blissfulness that you have, 
all the benediction that you have.  
When breathing out, 
pour your love into existence. 
This is the method of compassion: 
drink in all the suffering 
and pour out all the blessings. 
And you will be surprised what happens 
when you really do it. 
The moment you stop resisting all the darkness and heaviness in your inner world, 
they are no longer sufferings.

The heart has the power to transform any energy to light.  
The heart is a transforming force, the essential alchemist. 
It can drink in any misery, pain or sadness 
and transform it into a lightness. 
Trust the power of your heart.  
Once you have learned 
that your heart can do this magic, 
this miracle, 
then keep practicing it again and again.

Experiment with this exercise 
and let yourself explore every dark area of your life. 
If you feel overwhelmed, don't give up.  
It it often the coldest and darkest just before dawn.  
Just let yourself fully FEEL 
that which you cannot feel, 
what you've been resisting.  
Only then will you have mastered yourself.  
Continue doing this beautiful method 
of transforming pain into compassion for 30 days.  
You'll get better at it 
and be able 
to welcome in all the heaviness of the world 
and pour out such a great love and light 
that our entire planet is transformed.  

You have the power within you 
to do miracles, use it!  

You'll see how amazingly bright brilliant and alive you will feel! 

Januar 06, 2010

the mirror "cries" or "laughs"

I want
that you awake, my dear

you are a powerful being 

here you see youself as this powerful being

But what happens ?

What does the mirror show you
When you look into the mirror of your life?

Do you like what you see?

Do you hear me - the mirror - crying out loud?

"You are that one who created this all
That happens each and every moment to you
It is you with all your believes who created
What you like and what you do not like.
And when you do not like what you see
Why do you go on creating this again and again?

You are the powerful being
take on your responsibility
for being the one who brought all your expereinces into your life.

Begin to live the life you want to life
With blessings
Bless your thoughts
Bless your imaginations
Bless your visions


I - the mirror - can only show you what you did yourself to yourself -

So when you are the little cat
That sees a lion
Then you - the little cat - created youreslf as this lion...

Imagine it - see it - feel it - be it - and then I - the mirror - can show it to you

                   I show you all the time 
The powerful being
That you are
I love you - and therefore I cry when you cry - I laugh when you laugh

See that one within me - the mirror - is your very best friend -
The only friend who is always with you - all ways - that is you