August 23, 2009


Einer der Prinzen der Gegenwart, (Gott hat geheilt) und Regent der Sonne.

Dieser Erzengel wirkt in höchstem Masse heilend auf alle Lebewesen.

Raphael bringt Freude, Heilung, Liebe, Wunder und Gnade.

Er ermuntert die Menschen zu beten, und ist Schutzengel für alle Reisenden, wobei er all jene schützt und führt, die sich auf äußere oder auch innere Reisen begeben. Raphael verleiht auch Mut, und treibt wissenschaftliche Durchbrüche und den Wissensdurst im allgemeinen voran.

Gebet der Essener: "Raphael, Engel der Sonne, komm in meinen Solarplexus und gib meinem ganzen Körper das Feuer des Lebens."

August 22, 2009

magie im jeweiligen augenblick

1. Magic moments come from being fully present. You might be feeling the soft breeze on your face, smelling a baby's hair or eating an apple - but whatever you are doing, you're not lost in thoughts of the past or future, but fully alive in the here-and-now. Right now, let your thoughts slow down and drift past without grabbing hold of them, and bring yourself into this unique moment. What can you see, hear, feel or smell right now? How does your body feel? What is happening around you? Can you feel the magic?

2. Next time you are in a crowded place - perhaps a queue, busy shopping street, railway station or cafe ! - spend a few minutes looking around at the faces around you, seeing everyone here as part of you. Gaze at each person, accepting them totally as an aspect of yourself. See Spirit, God, Goddess, Divine, the Universe in each of them. Surround each person in white light, sending them your love. Allow yourself to merge with them all, experiencing your Oneness. Be aware (beware) of any 'better than' or 'less than' judgments that might pass through your mind, and remind yourself that in judging others, you judge yourself.

3. Start simplifying your life.

If you don't know where to start grab pen and paper, and ask yourself: "What do I need to do to simplify my life?" Listen to your heart and be open to whatever answers will come.

Be open for the possibility of making big changes – such as moving to a smaller home, leaving the city, resigning from your job or going part-time, or throwing out your entire wardrobe.

Or you might feel moved to take small, easy steps at first- such as not listening to the news, shopping less often, or limiting your wardrobe to two or three basic colors, which suit you.

Trust your heart - and take action!

4. Spend time in silence in nature.

Use all your senses.

Smell the air, the earth and the flowers.

Listen to the birds, the insects and the wind.

Observe everything as if it was for the first time in your life.

5. For 24 hours choose to have an attitude of YES.

Anything that comes your way, find the YES to it.

If you like it, say YES. If you don't, say YES. Even if you have a NO, say YES to your NO.

Check your mood and energy at the end of the experiment and if you like it extend the experiment for another 24 hours, another week, another month...

August 20, 2009

Cygnus - the Swan



On the water

In your dreams

Gracefully you float

A feather in the wind,

Cygnus Rising

In distant space

Swan Song

Swan Dance


So few of you here

You dare not to dream

Now is the time

For the dreaming

When do we meet again, my Swan?

get your own Starcard by

story telling

"If you greet someone
and ask them how they are,

they will refer
to the last few hours, weeks
or months for an answer.

Thoughts of the past
are constantly repeating themselves
and that becomes
who you think yourself to be.

You might wake up in the morning
feeling blissful,
and then the thought arises
that 3 days ago you got a speeding ticket.

And now you don't feel blissful,
now you feel awful.

It is like you are getting that
speeding ticket over and over!

How many times will you get that
same ticket in your mind?

If your mind was reality,
they would have already
taken away your license,
probably your car too.

But it was just that once.
Over and done with.
It has nothing to do
with how you are in this moment.

It always come down to the mind.
The mind is the troublemaker.

Not the thoughts themselves
but the identification with them.
The attachment to them.

If I ask how you are,
it has nothing to do
with how you were yesterday
or the week before
or even a minute ago.

It has to do with right now.
Right now
how are you truly?

Without referring to your history
how are you in this moment?

You cannot really answer
except to say that
in this moment
there is the sense of existence
and you are aware
of existence.

not as a person with a history
but as existence itself,
pure impersonal being.

And if you are aware of existence
then you are blissful.

There are no two ways about it.

If you are aware
of the one impersonal existence
in this moment,
you are blissful.

All problems solved.

Now go pay your speeding ticket.



How to Experience Deep, Blissful Peace
Simply by Listening to Music

August 11, 2009

Being lovable is a quality of Spirit

Romance is a state in which your primary relationship is not with your beloved but with your Self. Romance therefore begins when you can show your soul to another person.

The secret to being attractive, if one consults the past record of human experience, is remarkably simple. It is summarized in an aphorism from the Latin poet Ovid, who said, “To love, be lovable.” A lovable person is someone who is natural, easy with himself or herself, radiating the simple, unaffected humanity that makes anyone truly attractive.

Sometimes, however, the simplest solutions are the most difficult to achieve. People find themselves caught up in the anxious search for love precisely because they don’t feel lovable. The very condition that would make for romance is absent. It is sad to say, but many of us have never felt lovable, even in childhood, when we had the fewest defenses against love and therefore could approach it with the most spontaneous innocence.

Being lovably isn’t a superficial quality; it is a quality of spirit. If you can see yourself as spirit, it won’t matter what conditioning has occurred in the past, whether you were fortunate enough to be raised with loving values or so unfortunate that you were discouraged and made to feel ugly and worthless.

Remember, in our inmost being, we are all completely lovable because spirit is love. Beyond what anyone can make you think or feel about yourself, your unconditioned spirit stands, shining with love nothing can tarnish.

If being lovable really is the secret to attraction, then there is no need for anxious searching. Because your own being, which can never be lost, doesn’t have to be found. The only requirement is a shift in perception, for those who cannot find love perceive themselves as not being lovable. This is not true, but they make it seem true by linking their perception to a powerful system of beliefs.

Adapted from The Path to Love, by Deepak Chopra (Three Rivers Press, 1997).

relationship with Source

My Most Important Relationship Is With My Source... There is no relationship of greater importance to achieve than the relationship between you, in your physical body, right here and now, and theSoul/Source/God from which you have come. If you tend to that relationship, first and foremost, you will then, and only then, have the stable footing to proceed into other relationships. Your relationship with your own body; your relationship with money; your relationship with your parents, children, grandchildren, the people you work with, your government, your world . . . will all fall swiftly and easily into alignment once you tend to this fundamental, primary relationship first.

--- Abraham

August 04, 2009

tanze - dreh dich - hcid herd - eznat

links herum

rechts herum

ich bin der tänzer
ich bin der tanz
ich bin der dreher
der dreher ist ich

hinauf in die nächste ebene

drehen - tanzen - drehen

hinauf in die nächste ebene



und auf einmal
bin ich alles
und nichts

aufgelöst in die einzelnen partikelchen

die sich ebene für ebene immer wieder zusamennsetzen und wieder auflösen



bis sie sich mit all den erfahrenen botschaften - dem erfahrenen wissen
wieder zusammensetzen


ich bin der tänzer
ich bin der tanz

August 03, 2009

atmen - verzeihen - atmen für die freiheit

atmen ein - i
atmen aus - am
atmen ein - here
atmen aus - now

immer wieder
ohne pause

auf einen schlag
mit einem einzigen satz
fallen alle mauern
die je um mich gebaut wurden

ich höre sie bröckeln
ich höre das fallen der steinchen und steine
es gibt keinen zement mehr
der sie zusammenhält

warum machte ich mit so viele gedanken
um irgendwelche ideen anderer?
warum lies ich mich irritieren von den aktionen anderer?

ich hatte angst
vor dem
"was kommt denn jetzt schon wieder auf mich zu?"

vor lauter daran denken
gab es bald nichts anderes mehr

mein herz schlug immer schneller

nein der bauch tat nicht weh
der war völlig ok

meine kehle war oft wie zugeschnürt


ich kenne nun ho*oponpono
schon so lange

und erst in diesem einen augenblick
erkannte ich
worum es dabei geht


nicht anklagen

sich selbst, dass man sich hat irritieren lassen

verzeihen der/dem anderen
dass man ihm/ihr so viele umstände gmacht hat


ich spreche mit ihnen - den anderen
erzähle ihnen meine NEUE geschichte

die alte ist gestorben
3 monate

ich kenn die alten geschichten schon nicht mehr

das ist auch nicht wichtig

in dem moment
wo eine erinnerung kommt

fühle ich sie in ihrer ganzen tiefe - breite - fülle

hole die energie, die darin von mir gespeichert ist
zu mir zurück
stelle sie mir damit erneut zur verfügung

und bitte alle beteiligten um verzeihung
wenn/dass ich turbulenzen in ihr leben gebracht habe
die ihnen (und mir) vermeintliches unbehagen geschaffen haben

ich danke allen wesen
die meine bisheriges leben geteilt haben
von ganzem herzen

und bitte uns alle um verzeihung

lasst diese verzeihung
mit hilfe des schöpfers
mit der macht und der gegenwart des schöpfers
alle negativen erinnerungen, blockaden, energien und schwingungen

und in reines licht verwandeln

atme ein - i am sorry
atme aus - please frogive me
atme ein - i love you
atme aus - thank you


friede ist ein gefühl
das in mir ist