If someone randomly commits violence against you, the facts seem to scream that life is unfair, you are innocent, random human cruelty took away your sense of self-control. But despite all that, what’s really happening is that you have shifted into relating to the world through a trauma.
It isn’t the trauma itself that caused the shift. There had to be readiness inside. In truth life is neither fair nor unfair. The world is a reflection of who we are inside. If you can stop relating to the world through your trauma, there is hope that you can begin to relate through your soul. Here is how the process needs to go.
Victims hang on to their status because they feel innocent. The specific idea I am innocent is a blind, a mask. Yes, you are innocent. But only a stronger sense of self is going to rescue you. Your mind will never resolve why you, of all people, got hurt. Its struggles are futile from the outset.
I’ve met people who spend years in an attempt to figure out whether their misfortunes are due to bad karma. This becomes the magical word for a twisted logic that says, “I didn’t think I deserved to be hurt, but if you look at a deeper, more mystical layer, I did.”
This isn’t really the answer. First of all, it doesn’t heal the wound. Secondly, it exists as a mental construct and does little to salve the emotions, which are the chief fuel for ongoing victimization. You feel victimized, regardless of what your mind says.
The whole package–the event itself, the wound, the feelings that erupt, and the mind’s scramble to find an explanation–is so interwoven that it cannot be untangled. If you can face this fact, you have come a long way to understanding how life works.
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Alexej Kusák - hat es schon 1963 am klarsten gesagt. Bei Kafka handelt es sich nicht um einen kleinbürgerlichen verängstigten Kritiker des Kapitalismus. Kafka konfrontiert uns mit unserer Lebenssituation: "Es ist als ob die Dinge sich hinter unserem Rücken gegen uns verschworen hätten, und es ist nicht unsere Ungeschicklichkeit, die das verschuldet hat. Es ist nicht so, dass die Dinge unseren ungeschickten Fingern entglitten wären, es ist viel mehr unsere Geschicklichkeit selbst, unsere vollkommene Organisation, die uns in diese absurden Situationen bringt." Dass aus Tätern Opfer und Opfer zu Tätern werden, mag einem kafkaesk vorkommen, aber es ist nichts als die Wahrheit.