How To Transform Your Fear of Intimacy
Into A Spiritual Awakening
Written by Angela Walker
Intimacy is the great pathway to your divine nature, the way of the awakened radiant heart. Whether you’re being deeply intimate with yourself, or another, feeling this delicious closeness can be one of the most powerful spiritual experiences we get to savor and enjoy in human form. At the same time, if you’ve ever suffered from a broken heart, experienced great betrayal, or dealt with intense grief or loss, the mere thought of intimacy can be incredibly frightening, even paralyzing! Perhaps you’re stumbling your way through life numbed out to ease the pain of your broken heart. Or maybe you’ve built a giant fortress of protection around your heart to keep yourself from ever feeling intimate with others again.
If this is so, it’s a very natural response to protect oneself from experiencing the agonizing pain of a broken heart. Surprisingly, it is here in the deepest dark crevice of your heart lies an opening to your soul’s awakening, a glimmering light of grace welcoming you home to your Self! Here a perfect invitation awaits you, out of the very root of your suffering, beckoning you to inquire and discover what the true essence of the heart actually is!
"Heart" is merely another name for the Supreme Spirit, because He is in all hearts. The entire Universe is condensed in the body, and the entire body in the Heart. Thus the Heart is the nucleus of the whole Universe.” ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi
This deliciously juicy opportunity has patiently been waiting for you to peer into your broken open heart and clearly see who you truly are! Take this moment to ask yourself, “Who benefits by keeping myself closed off to the rest of the world? Who am I really protecting by keeping others at bay, and who is it to truly suffer? Who wins in the face of entertaining these fears?” The answer is no one wins. This vision of world peace will never be established as long as we say “no” to intimacy with others and buy into the illusions of fear. Peace begins within.
The world is your mirror. If you’re a stranger to yourself you’re a stranger to everyone else. If you’ve been holding back from allowing yourself to be fully open, receptive, and exposed, you are simply protecting an illusion of who you think you are. You are buying into the lies of the ego-mind. You must stop this nonsense if you truly wish to wake up. You are not your ego-mind. Give it up. It will never ever be satisfied. Remember, nothing can harm that which is indestructible. Any thoughts, feelings, and emotions you buy into that inhibit your true nature from shining and feeling free just keep you locked up in a self-imposed prison.
“If you are waiting for anything in order to live and love without holding back, then you suffer. Every moment is the most important moment of your life. No future time is better than now to let down your guard and love.”~ David Deida
What are you waiting for? Take a chance, and see what do you truly have to lose? Who do you have to lose? If anything is to be lost it is only remnants of the false self. Nothing real can be threatened, and nothing unreal exists. There is only Love. Everything else is a deviation, a distortion of love. All that appears in this world that is not love or loving is a misunderstanding, a misinterpretation of this Love.
You are here to awaken, to rise out of this illusion and shine! This is your soul purpose, your true mission in this life. If you really wish to transform your life in the most powerful ways and awaken, begin by cultivating this deep intimacy with yourself. Engage in the most profound intimate love affair with yourself! Don’t wait for anyone or anything from the outer world to fill you, or complete you with love. It's not out there. You know this to be true. You know this love is within you and has been all along. This love breathes you. It is you! You can call off the search now, you're already home.
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