September 19, 2010


Chanting heals the body, mind and spirit. 
Chanting causes the body and mind to relax 
which helps us physically, mentally and emotionally.
It can increase intuition and raises your energy vibrations within. 
Some people have problems focusing and stilling the mind in meditation,
instead they can use chanting to focus on.

The ancients, native americans, yogas, buddhists and so on 
used these technique to raise spiritual vibrations,
involving breath, chants, sounds and colors
to focus attention on the inner planes of reality, 
while opening to higher energy frequencies and consciousness.

September 11, 2010


ist das doch klasse heute
in der  silence on violin strings zu finden:

und das ganze bei sonnenschein
wie viele bilder da entstehen
wie das kind in mir sich angesprochen fühlt

Charming Humor

andere mit meinem witz und charme
zu "entertainen"

Regaling those around you with your stories and banter can be a way for you to connect with them through the lighthearted joy of funniness.
Letting others experience the bright side of life through you might not only amuse the people you come in contact with, but it could lessen any tension they may feel about their own lives.
Should your humor generally tend toward the more sarcastic or sharp side

 naja gehört doch dazu und macht auch spaß
zeigt sich darin für mich
dass noch nicht alles "attachment" entlassen ist!!!

perhaps today you can think of ways to be funny

Humor is most powerful when it is done in a spirit of good-natured fun.
While we might not be conscious of how we use humor

das zu erfahren ist möglich

das folgende ätzend ist:

many of us may find that humor is often a way to either deflect attention from ourselves or make ourselves feel better by putting someone else down.

wenn ich meinen humor mit aufmerksamkeit verbinde
kann ich ihn recht gut einsetzen
meinem gegenüber
mit zwinkernden
blitzenden augen

mut zusprechen
ihn aufmuntern

auch sehen lassen

die sunny side of the strrrrrreeeeeet

und sich vielleicht auch dafür zuentscheiden
die straßenseite mal zu wechseln

September 04, 2010

the essence is

whether ironing
whether vacuuming
whether sitting
whether going
whether talking
whether being silent
whether dancing
wheher ... 
what ever doing

the essence is serenity
that * s it
to be tranquil  in the innermost core

being in doing
and doing in being

relaxed in my middle
within the fullness
I am

in every and each moment

there was the cork on it

a birch does not compare itself with an oak
a thistle does not compare itself witth a rose

in my unique way
fulfill my potential

in motion
like the river
like water flowing

without imagination
of what will show around the next bend
the feeling of trust and relaxation

what ever happens
it is just right

mastering the energy of  fire
to create not to destroy

creating with me within myself
the masterpiece
that is hidden within me

polishing this piece
till it glosses

and to thank my Creator
for this wonderful - work

he has created

 mind is understood to assist me
but he and I
are independent of each other

He is very helpful to me
but not my "master"


form live
with me
a work of art

so the rainbow
is felt

with all its nuances